Elizabeth Designs

Contact us today for a free design consult!

Elizabeth Designs creates faux and decorative painting techniques that beautify your home. Walls, ceilings and cabinets come alive with the application of techniques that include paint, glaze and plaster. Syles range from simply elegant to vividly dramatic. All projects are unique and treated as such.

When the Bug Hits...

and I'm not talking the flu, you embrace the creative opportunity and relish in the results.  That's exactly what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks.  Half finished, naked art pieces have adorned my studio for months.  Pitiful looking and begging for completion they were causing me more irritation than joy.  My attitude was one of "yuck"...I am not interested in making ugly!  My studio had turned into the Island of Misfit Art!  Then without warning, when I stopped obsessing about creating, it came back - my spirit and love of making pretty things.   So, without further delay, here are pictures of my current pieces...each one crafted with the joy and torment that only being an artist allows :) Enjoy!